
Mail Delivered 89 Years Late

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Interesting Fact of The Week In 2008, Janet Barrett, a guest-house owner in Weymouth, Dorset, UK, received the letter – an RSVP to a Boxing Day party invitation, which had been posted on 29 November 1919, some 89 years after it was posted.  The message inside read: “Dear Percy, Many thanks for the invitation, be […]

Direct Mail

Mail in the Head

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David Brennan was formally in charge of Thinkbox. An organisation created to promote TV advertising. He created the experiment on this video, in order to mark how effective different mediums of advertisement reacted with the human mind. It makes for very interesting viewing…

Direct Mail

Tracking Your Direct Mail Campaign

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When beginning to plan your direct mail campaign, there are a few things you may want to consider. Firstly, how best to judge the success of your campaign. You can accurately measure your return on investment, and gain valuable insight into what works best with your target audience for future campaigns. Tracking your campaign will give you […]

Direct Mail

How effective is a Direct Mail Campaign?

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Direct mail associated words

Direct mail campaigns are a great way to market a company, marketing a new product or promotion, brand awareness or an event and can be used for many different reasons whether it be charitable, political, educational or recreational campaign. There are so many different ways of advertising your products and services it can be difficult […]


Launch of our New website…

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We are pleased to announce the launch of our new and improved Snapmail website and hope that it not only highlights all of the great services we offer but is also a useful and informative tool for our clients, not to mention easy to use and navigate.   If you have found your way onto our […]

Direct Mail

Outsource Mailing Services

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What Is Outsourcing? Outsourcing is when two companies agree on a contract from one company to provide certain services to the other. Many large companies outsource jobs such as e-mail services, call centre services and direct mail services. Often some of these tasks can be done by the company itself in-house, however there are more financial benefits […]